First, sorry, but english isn't my mother tongue, so don't look too much for my errors.
This is really a great game, my 4 years-old son is playing and really enjoying it. And he's very proud when he finish a level. Thanks a lot for sharing your creativity with everybody! It's appreciated a lot, and he's saying thanks too.
I'm an old time coder, mostly asm/c/batch/perl, and 26 years ago i learned with a language called logo ( <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_</a>(programming_language) ) which seems very similar to your game. It was CLI, not GUI but it's nice to make learning tools. I'd like to make you some suggestions, this is not critics, as my kid like your game but seems to have difficulties reaching higher levels. Feel free to make what ever you want.
*** For each program instructions:
- highlight the instructions, so people can understand what's going on.
- display in few words what the instruction does, in a way that is visible while the robot execute the program. The delay for showing them isn't important, see below for the debug mode.
- play a specific sound for each instructions. I'd be very curious to hear a program song, aren't you? Well, as long as my kid doesn't play with it for hours... ;-) But I think it would help him some how.
*** Make a Debug/Learning mode:
- allow the player to run the program forward or backward, one instructions at a time, as we can with a pretty decent debugger.
- add a slider to make the robot slower or faster, so people can read what's going on, hear the sounds or skip some parts.
- allow the player to change the program while it's running.
- allow the player to double click an instruction while the program is running to execute it.
*** Options:
- text diplay of the current instruction.
- sound of the current instruction.
Of course these are just suggestions. What would be great also might be loops and conditionals, but it's perhaps out of the topic. Never the less you made a really great job, if you have a paypal account i'd be happy to give you 100 euros if you implement -- the way you think you like, and in the spirit of your game -- those elements in your game. My email is relipuj@gmail.com feel free to contact me.
Great job!
i have something 2 say. look at Xopod's review on your recent submission. i think he has some good suggestions for you that would work well (in a sequel maybe?) but the game is good anyway. cute lil fella huh? (lightBot-kawaii. :3) you're going on my faves list. YAY!