The turn based game is coming along great. 90% of the core engine is done, so that includes all the attacking, healing, leveling, trading, item using, statistics and whatnot. It was a pain in the ass to do some of the parts but it's been worth it.
The next few days I'll be ironing out any minature glitches there are in it and working on those final 10%. I'm constantly adding to the game idea in general so that 10% might quickly increase into something more. Afterwards I'll move my attention on to making more skills for the different classes and upping the computer AI. Afterwards it's only a matter of creating all the levels and arranging it all into one nice storyline.
Well that's enough talk on my part. Here's a screeny.
Wow that must have been a lot of work.. How long have you been working on this?
3 months now.