Well haven't updated in a while so....
New Games in production :
Madness Day Game avec Donutmaster, awesome shooting stuff game for teh madness day, tons of fun.
Keep a lookout for Absolute.Madness.
Also got a new rhythm game going. A cross of DDR and particle effects and pretty colours, very retro. Keep a lookout for MusicFireworks (working title).
Alright thats all.
Comments, ideas, thoughts? Don't leave them >=)
Don't leave them?
Well I am.
MY tag on lIve is BioMasterMkII
Hope to see you on Live
Nice game though!
sadly i dont have an xbox 360 =( i dont own any of teh new consoles... rhythmfireworks was just my perception of what boomboomrocket was like, from images and videos, so i tried to recreate and make it my own in flash =)