Just > <
This was quite quite bad. The graphics were small and hate almost no eye-catching details, there was almost no style since this is but another FPS but with a tut in the end (which i will get to in a sec), the sound or the screams just grew repetitive and didnt rly fit the animations, violence...a bit but it was too small to notice, interactivity:it is a game bu t u dont even have a recoil on the gun or any aspect of realism in the game, humor obviously none.
Now about the last part, the tut, prob ur pride and joy....was horrible. Firstly it was an incomplete tutorial. Secondly, FPS tutorials can be found everywhere online. Thirdly, this is but one (lame) tutorial in a flash and you shouldn't rely on it to get your scores up. And Last, if its an incomplete and almost useless tutorial, dont even expect to have it submitted to a tutorial section. I was flabbergasted when i read that last sentence in your flash. just no man.
Work on your graphix, dont make a tut within a game, and maybe do something more original.